STONEKEEP Version 1.1 README.TXT file: ----------------- S T O N E K E E P ----------------- This text file contains valuable information that wasn't included in the Stonekeep manual due to last minute changes and additions. Copyright 1995 Interplay Productions. ----------------- TABLE OF CONTENTS ----------------- 1. GAME CHANGES 2. ON-LINE MANUAL 3. WINDOWS '95 SUPPORT 4. HINTS AND TIPS 5. TECHNICAL QUESTIONS AND PROBLEMS/CUSTOMER SUPPORT 6. ADDITIONAL CREDITS 7. CHANGES SINCE LAST REVISION --------------- 1. GAME CHANGES --------------- There have been changes and improvements to the game since the manual was printed. STATISTIC & SKILL INCREASES When you have the Journal, it will flash in the upper left hand corner whenever your statistics or skills improve. Open the Journal, and the changes will be highlighted in red until you close the Journal again. ADDITIONAL SHORTCUT KEYS to toggle the display of the status bar beneath the Mirror. to open and close the Mystic Mirror. toggle Stonekeep and Save Game version numbers on and off. PLAYERS OF THE STONEKEEP INTERACTIVE PREVIEW Save games from the Stonekeep Interactive Preview are not compatible with this version of Stonekeep. There have been changes to the maps and the game that prevent compatibility. However, we have included a save game file that you can use if you want to start near the end of the Preview. To use this save game, use these commands immediately after you install the game: Assuming your CD-ROM drive is D:, the Stonekeep CD is there, and you have installed Stonekeep to the default directory on C:, type: C: CD \INTRPLAY\STONKEEP XCOPY D:\DATA\START\*.* /s This will overwrite your current savegame in Slot 1, if you have one. Instead of using the provided save game, we suggest you start a new game. It's up to you. ----------------- 2. ON-LINE MANUAL ----------------- We have provided an electronic manual in two different formats, Adobe Acrobat(tm) and the easy-to-use Interplay Electronic Viewer. If you want to print the manual, use one of the Adobe Acrobat readers. If you just want to read the manual, use our Electronic Viewer. To view the on-line manual using the Interplay Electronic Viewer, type D: CD \ MANUAL assuming the Stonekeep CD-ROM is in your D: drive. Use the arrow keys and Home, End, Page Up and Page Down to move the display and change pages. Adobe Acrobat readers are provided for DOS and Windows. We suggest using the Windows version. Both the DOS and Windows versions read the same file. The Adobe Acrobat Windows reader is: (assuming your CD-ROM drive is D:) D:\MANUAL\ACROWIN\ACROREAD.EXE To install the Windows Acrobat Reader, run this file from Windows. The Adobe Acrobat DOS reader is: (assuming your CD-ROM drive is D:) D:\MANUAL\ACRODOS\ACRODOS.EXE To install the DOS Acrobat Reader, copy ACRODOS.EXE to a directory on your computer and type ACRODOS . Once you have installed a reader, the Adobe Acrobat file to read is: (assuming your CD-ROM drive is D:) D:\MANUAL\SKMANUAL.PDF ---------------------- 3. WINDOWS '95 SUPPORT ---------------------- While Stonekeep is not a Windows '95 product, here are some tips to help you get it up and running: ¯ If you encounter problems in the setup phase during installation, run setup in full-screen mode. ¯ You may experience problems autodetecting your sound card. Pick your sound card and settings manually, if you encounter problems. ¯ After installation, open the installed game directory on your local computer and double-click on the Stonekeep shortcut. ¯ To change your settings after installation, double-click on the Setup shortcut in your Stonekeep directory. ¯ To increase performance, go to the Settings option on the Win95 Start menu, select CONTROL PANEL, then SYSTEM, PERFORMANCE, FILE SYSTEM and then CD-ROM. Enable read-ahead buffering of the CD. Select the setting that matches your CD-ROM drive. ¯ If you continue to have problems, run Stonekeep in MS-DOS MODE or use your previous version of DOS. Under Windows 3.X or Windows for Workgroups 3.X, you must first quit Windows before installing or running Stonekeep. --------------- 4. HINTS & TIPS --------------- Here are some hints to help you out: ¯ Equip yourself with weapons and armor as soon as you can. Explore the first tower to get yourself into combat shape. ¯ Your character will attempt to strike where the attack cursor is located. Monsters have weak areas of armor. Aim for them. ¯ Roots are healing items. Eat them when your vitality gets low. Potions are even better. ¯ When you get a new key, return to locked doors you previously visited. It's often worth the extra effort. ¯ Move around in combat. It's harder for the monsters to hit you that way. ¯ If you get stuck, read scrolls and the clues section in your Journal. ---------------------------------------------------- 5. TECHNICAL QUESTIONS AND PROBLEMS/CUSTOMER SUPPORT ---------------------------------------------------- SOUND CARD AUTODETECTION Autodetection of sound cards is a tricky business. Please view this as a suggestion only. If you encounter problems using Autodetection, set your sound card manually. LOGITECH CYBERMAN SUPPORT The Logitech Cyberman is not supported in this version. PERFORMANCE ISSUES Stonekeep is a very memory intensive game. You need as much free memory as possible. If you are having problems, or wish to increase the game performance, follow these tips: ¯ Remove any unnecessary memory resident programs. ¯ Stonekeep requires 470,000 bytes of conventional memory. ¯ Stonekeep requires 6,700,000 bytes of extended memory. ¯ Always run SMARTDRV unless you have less then 6,900,000 bytes of extended memory. ¯ On slower machines, or machines with 8 megabytes of RAM, a SMARTDRV of 256k will increase performance. If you have memory problems on an 8 meg machine, try a smaller SMARTDRV. ¯ A SMARTDRV larger then 1 meg is not recommended. CD ERRORS If you see the message "Error cannot read from file retry (y/n)", then remove the CD-ROM from your CD-ROM drive, clean the CD and then reinsert it back into the drive. Wait 15 seconds and then answer yes to the above question by pressing Y. TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES? If you are having problems installing Stonekeep or technical problems playing the game, please see the bottom of this text file for a list of Customer Service sites. You can reach our Customer Service department using any of these sites. To best help you, please have the following ready when you contact Customer Service: Your system configuration information, including: what kind of computer you have, what version operating system you are using, what sound card and it's configuration, what video card you have installed, how much memory you have and it's configuration. A copy of your CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT. A description of your problem. No hints will be given out over the Customer Service phone. STUCK IN THE GAME? The first thing you should do is review all the scrolls that you have picked up and all the clues in your Journal. In many cases, you will get the necessary directions you need. If you still need a hint, please do not call our Customer Service department. No gameplay hints will be given out over that phone. Write us at the address below, and we'll be happy to send you an answer. The fastest method may be to play with a friend, or use an electronic forum to post your questions. Stonekeep hints are also available on our 900 hint line at 900.370.PLAY (7529). It costs $1.25 the first minute and $0.75 each additional minute. Prima Publishing has a hintbook available for Stonekeep. Their phone number is 800.531.2343. You can order by fax or mail by providing your Visa or Mastercard number, expiration date, and your name and address to: Prima Publishing Stonekeep P.O. Box 629000 El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 Fax: 800.582.8000 *The cost is $19.95. Please add $4.00 shipping and hadling in the U.S. California Res. add 7.25% sales tax. Allow 2-3 weeks for delivery. Canadian Orders please add $6.00 shipping and handling and 7% GST. Use VISA, MAsterCard, check or money order in U.S. funds only. INTERPLAY CUSTOMER SERVICE SITES Internet E-Mail: Web Site: FTP Site: BBS: telnet telnet 714.252.2822 N81 1200-28.8k America On-line: keyword INTERPLAY or e-mail IPTECH Compuserve: GO GAMEBPUB or e-mail 76702,1342 GEnie: M805;1 (Scorpia's RT) Prodigy: e-mail PLAY99B FAX: 714.252-2820 ATTN: Customer Service Phone: 714.553.6678 Interplay Productions 17922 Fitch Ave. Irvine, CA 92714 ATTN: Customer Service ************************************* TECHNICAL SUPPORT FOR COMMON PROBLEMS ************************************* ¯ Cache error with Windows 95 Use the PIF file NOT the SK.BAT file. ¯ EMM386 has detected error #12 Modify the CONFIG.SYS file and REM the EMM386. ¯ DPMI Memory Error 2 Some systems have problems allocting DOS memory for the VGA card. If under DOS, modify the SK.BAT file and add " OLD_VGA" at the end of the line that runs the executable. If under Windows 95, add " OLD_VGA" to the PIF file command line settings. ¯ Error 76 during installation Rerun the install program. Choose minimal install instead of full. The minimal install takes around 30 megs less of hard drive space with a slight decrease in speed while switching dungeon levels. ¯ Unable to set graphics mode Some older VGA cards such as the Diamond Speedstar 24x need to have a command line option set. If under DOS, modify the SK.BAT file and add " OLD_VGA" at the end of the line that runs the executable. If under Windows 95, add " OLD_VGA" to the PIF file command line settings. ¯ Fatal error on installation or install program will not even run If using a triple disk changer, call cd-rom manufacturer and get information on how to get the cd-rom to emulate or act like a single disc cd-rom. If using QEMM, create a boot disk without QEMM. ¯ Divide overflow Most likely an incompatible mouse driver. ¯ Wahooka on 2nd level of Stonekeep appears only once The fix for this would invalidate save games so if Wahooka only appears once for you, here are the clues that he gives you: 1) "Watch out for traps! The Shamans of the Throgs set many of them around here hoping to stick a couple of dwarves." 2) "Search the sewers below for the keys to the Underlands." 3) "To succeed in your quest, you must find all nine of the Orbs." ¯ IRQ 10 is not supported The sound drivers used were selected because of their superb sound quality and their ability to produce multiple sound effects at one time. Unfortunately, these sound drivers have no support for IRQ 10. ¯ Data error 15 ¯ File I/O error or unable to allocate I/O buffers Stonekeep normally requires FILES=40 and BUFFERS=40. However, on some systems, as many as 70 files is required. Therefore, if this error is encountered, modify the CONFIG.SYS file to read FILES=70. ¯ HMI drivers not found The HMI drivers are located on the Stonekeep CD. Therefore, the cd must be in the drive at all times for installation, setup, and during game play. If the cd is in the drive and this error still occurs up the files to 70 (see above error "Data error 15" for more information). ¯ If experiencing problems under other OS such as O/S 2 try using the command line option " OTHER_OS". --------------------- 6. ADDITIONAL CREDITS --------------------- As often happens with a product of this magnitude, several people require credit that did not make it into the manual or the game: Interplay Productions --------------------- Windows '95 Support KEVIN BASS GABRIEL VALENCIA Game Credit Engine & Support PHIL BRITT LOQUAN SEH JIM GARDNER MICHAEL BERNSTEIN VR Sports Guy JIM BOONE Additional Voices ----------------- Generic Dwarves ANTHONY DE LONGIS DAVID J. MALLOW Generic Shargas DAVID J. MALLOW MORGAN LOFTING ANTHONY DE LONGIS Faerie Troll DAVID J. MALLOW Throg Gargoyle MORGAN LOFTING Customer Service ---------------- KURT AHRENS GARETT BARNES MATTHEW BYRNE TOM GARDNER DAVID HENDEE CHRIS HOLLAND KELLY KRAJACIC ALEN LAPIDIS CORY NELSON RICK SANFORD STEVE SMITH ------------------------------ 7. CHANGES SINCE LAST REVISION ------------------------------ Version 1.1 Changes: -------------------- 1) Older VGA cards such as the Diamond Speedstar 24x are now supported with the command line option " OLD_VGA". 2) The door to the statue of Throggi now opens regardless of amount strength from the inside. 3) Stonekeep now checks to see if can open 15 files. 4) Fixed problem with RVM NPCs not resetting the regions of the body, legs, hands, and rings when they leave the party. 5) All NPCs now see Drake even if he is invisible. This fixes a problem on Palace of Shadows level when Farli is supposed to join the party but can't until the invisible spell has worn off. 6) Permanent changes in health are now fixed to reflect increase/descrease of hit points with change of stat. Bug was that descrease in health caused increase in hit points. 7) Dombur now accepts the last piece of the stone shooter. 8) Game will no longer lock-up if when Wahooka is encountered for the first time in location x=25 y=8 level=2 when coming from the sewer level. 9) Enigma no longer prevents the player from entering the Faerie Realm. 10) All lock-up/crashes in the Ice Realm and the Palace of the Shadows have been fixed. 11) If experiencing problems under other OS such as O/S 2 try using the command line option " OTHER_OS". 12) DPMI Memory Error 2 can now be bypassed using the " OLD_VGA" command line option. 13) Warning message when entering Purgatory no longer prints out.